We welcome you to the official site of the Research Station of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Bishkek city.
Federal State Budget Institution of Science Research Station of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Bishkek city is the research organization subordinated to the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russia Federation.
The Research Station of RAS engages 57 scientific workers, including 26 researchers, 2 Doctors of Sciences and 8 Candidates of Sciences among them. The overall staff amounts 133 employees.
720049, Kyrgyzstan.
Bishkek-49, Research Station RAS.
Phone: +996 (312) 613-140
Fax: +996 (312) 611-459
Doctor of Science
in Physics and Mathematics
e-mail: rybin@gdirc.ru
In August, 2016, the Group of Magnetotelluric Soundings performed the field works under the method of magnetotelluric soundings in Kochkor depression along Ukok profile, in the surroundings of Kochkor village. MT soundings along Ukok profile were carried out on 22 points of observation by means of three field teams. Registration of MT-field was performed with the help of measurement complex Phoenix MTU-5 and MTU-5A. Field works were conducted at a height of 2000 m above sea level. Time of field recording was 14 – 18 hours. The MT data in a range from 0,001 to 3000 sek. were obtained.
Last Updated on Wednesday, 07 September 2016 10:49
According to the results of scientific research works of 2015 for a large part of the territory of the Central Tien Shan there was obtained general correlation in the distribution velocity of the summary horizontal deformation on GPS and seismologic data for the observation period 1998-2014.
At that, the reduced velocities of near-surface dilatancy and increase in deformation velocities in seismic active layer of the Earth’s crust were fixed in area of Mountains Jumgal-Too (Fig. 1).
Figure 1. The distribution of total horizontal deformation velocity (dilatancy) for the near-surface part of the Earth’s crust according to GPS data.
Last Updated on Friday, 26 August 2016 08:50
On 11 – 12 of July, 2016, the MTS Group returned to Research Station base after important field works carried out on Dergochko and Karabuk profiles (Issyk _Kul and Naryn regions). Works were performed with the help of Phoenix MTU-5 and MTU-5A measurement complexes. On Dergochko profile (The Issyk-Kul, Naryn Region) works were performed under GMTS method. Two field groups carried out works on 4 observation stations where the registration of MT field long-period variations required long stay. Works were performed at the height from 2100 to 3200 meters above sea level. Time of observations on each point made three days as the result of which the MT data from 0,01 to 10000 sec. were obtained. Works on measuring station launching and MT-field registration were complicated by unfavorable weather conditions (rain, snow, fall of temperature).
Last Updated on Tuesday, 26 July 2016 15:13
Since 2009 the territory of Research Station RAS is a suitable site for field geological practice conducting by the students of Kyrgyz – Russian Slavic University, specialized in “Complex use and conservation of water resources”.
Last Updated on Thursday, 30 June 2016 09:31
From May 11 to June 09, 2016 the GPS laboratory staff and transportation motor group has carried out regular campaign for GPS point measurements in the territory of Kyrgyzstan. These works are included in RS RAS research plans for 2016.
Last Updated on Monday, 27 June 2016 14:31
Further to monitoring observations that have been accomplished by natural electromagnetic field method (NEFM) on the Bishkek Geodynamic Proving Ground (Kentor miniground) since 2012, 3 teams of Group of Magnetotelluric Sounding (GMTS) fulfilled the sounding by AMTS and MTS methods in the period from 16 to 31 May, 2016.
MT observations were carried out on the profiles “Central” (11 points) and "East" (18 points). On the “East” profile (9 – 18 points) works in AMT mode were performed as well. As a result of observations the magnetotelluric curves in the range of periods from 0,01 to 3000 seconds have been received.
Last Updated on Wednesday, 15 June 2016 15:25
On the June 3, 2016, the regular scientific workshop in the Research Station RAS in Bishkek city was held. Within the framework of workshop the lecture “Geology around us (about the geological processes observed within the territory of the Research Station and its surroundings)” the stuff scientist of the Laboratory of Integrated Sttudies of Geodynamical Processes in Geophysical Fields (LIS) Vinera Muhamadeeva delivered a lecture.
The main forms of exogenic processes actually happening in the territory of Research station and its close environment were examined, namely:
Secretary of the workshop
Olga Zabinyakova
April, 2016
RS RAS and IS NAS KR scientific collaboration
The scientific collaboration between Research Station of RAS and the Institute for Seismology of NAS KR in the seismological research scope continues.
Two sets of RT130-01 seismic station and STS-2 seismic sensors have been prepared and consigned to the Institute for Seismology by Group of New Technologies Introduction staff according to the last Agreement. It is the fifth Agreement for similar works during last three years.
RT130-01 stations and STS-2 seismic sensors purchase was funded by CRDF (U.S. Civilian Research and Development Foundation). PDA-KIT terminal software, intended for RT130-01 control, was updated in 2014. It must be noted that manufacturer of RT130-01 – namely REFTEK Inc., USA, supports its equipment maintenance during all time of equipments and software usage. Updated PDA-KIT terminal firmware was provided upon the Research Station request in shortest time.
Field work assumes RT130-01 seismic stations completed by STS-2 sensors arrangement at studied area and continuous recording of microseisms and vibrations from remote earthquakes and industrial explosions. The monitoring period depends on seismic activity level at observed territory. 10 seismic events at least with high records quality are necessary for data processing. While one station is taken as a reference point other stations are mobile.
One month is period of Agreement.
Group of New Technologies Introduction staff render methodical support, operators training, consultations for Institute for Seismology staff and provide seismic data processing software.
Last Updated on Tuesday, 24 May 2016 09:40
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