We welcome you to the official site of the Research Station of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Bishkek city.
Federal State Budget Institution of Science Research Station of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Bishkek city is the research organization subordinated to the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russia Federation.
The Research Station of RAS engages 57 scientific workers, including 26 researchers, 2 Doctors of Sciences and 8 Candidates of Sciences among them. The overall staff amounts 133 employees.
720049, Kyrgyzstan.
Bishkek-49, Research Station RAS.
Phone: +996 (312) 613-140
Fax: +996 (312) 611-459
Doctor of Science
in Physics and Mathematics
e-mail: rybin@gdirc.ru
On the June 3, 2016, the regular scientific workshop in the Research Station RAS in Bishkek city was held. Within the framework of workshop the lecture “Geology around us (about the geological processes observed within the territory of the Research Station and its surroundings)” the stuff scientist of the Laboratory of Integrated Sttudies of Geodynamical Processes in Geophysical Fields (LIS) Vinera Muhamadeeva delivered a lecture.
The main forms of exogenic processes actually happening in the territory of Research station and its close environment were examined, namely:
Secretary of the workshop
Olga Zabinyakova
April, 2016
RS RAS and IS NAS KR scientific collaboration
The scientific collaboration between Research Station of RAS and the Institute for Seismology of NAS KR in the seismological research scope continues.
Two sets of RT130-01 seismic station and STS-2 seismic sensors have been prepared and consigned to the Institute for Seismology by Group of New Technologies Introduction staff according to the last Agreement. It is the fifth Agreement for similar works during last three years.
RT130-01 stations and STS-2 seismic sensors purchase was funded by CRDF (U.S. Civilian Research and Development Foundation). PDA-KIT terminal software, intended for RT130-01 control, was updated in 2014. It must be noted that manufacturer of RT130-01 – namely REFTEK Inc., USA, supports its equipment maintenance during all time of equipments and software usage. Updated PDA-KIT terminal firmware was provided upon the Research Station request in shortest time.
Field work assumes RT130-01 seismic stations completed by STS-2 sensors arrangement at studied area and continuous recording of microseisms and vibrations from remote earthquakes and industrial explosions. The monitoring period depends on seismic activity level at observed territory. 10 seismic events at least with high records quality are necessary for data processing. While one station is taken as a reference point other stations are mobile.
One month is period of Agreement.
Group of New Technologies Introduction staff render methodical support, operators training, consultations for Institute for Seismology staff and provide seismic data processing software.
Last Updated on Tuesday, 24 May 2016 09:40
Dear colleagues!
On Friday, May 20, 2016, at 13:00 we invite everyone to visit regular scientific workshop. Within this workshop the Head of the Laboratory of Studying Modern Movements of the Earth’s Crust by methods of Space Geodesy (LGPS), the candidate of physical and mathematical sciences Kuzikov Sergey Ivanovich will present the LECTURE "The General Geological Concepts for Geophysical Surveys”.
We are planning to discuss the following issues:
The workshop will take place in a small conference room of AMB (Administrative and Management Building).
Information for colleagues from the lower site: collecting at 12:45 near OAB (Office and Amenity Building).
Secretary of the workshop
Zabinyakova Olga
Last Updated on Wednesday, 18 May 2016 10:32
In 2015 the Laboratory of Advanced Hardware Development of Research Station of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RS RAS) continued the works on electromagnetic prospecting complex development based on pseudo-noise sounding signals usage for modern electromagnetic monitoring system for stressed and deformed state of the Earth’s crust. Small-size and thermo stable induction sensor intended for magnetic induction flow measurement was developed within this work. This sensor has high sensitivity in the range from 0,1 Hz to 80 kHz. Sensor prototype was made. Possible application for this sensor could be any geoelectroprospecting equipment based on measurements of man-made and natural electromagnetic fields.
Executed design is included in the report to the President of the Russian Federation: “The REPORT on the fundamental sciences state in the Russian Federation and about the most important scientific achievements of Russian scientists in 2015", on March 23, 2016, Section II - "THE FUNDAMENTAL SCIENCES BRANCHES STATE AND THE MOST IMPORTANT SCIENTIFIC ACHIEVEMENTS OF RESEARCH INSTITUTIONS OF THE RAS - FASO SYSTEM", p. 133, as one of the major scientific achievements of the Russian scientists in 2015.
International School - Workshop “Methods of Space and Ground Geodesy in Scientific Research of Central Asia” will be held on 19-21 of September, 2016, on the basis of Research Station of RAS in Bishkek city.
First circular letter
Last Updated on Friday, 08 April 2016 15:54
March 24 – 25, 2016, Research Station RAS, Bishkek city
The main directions of the Conference activity:
Section 1. "Geophysical monitoring and geo information systems" included the reports on methods and new software systems used for monitoring of geological environment and ionosphere as well as the results of their application.
Section 2. "Natural and technological environmental impact" included the reports on abundance and features of seismotectonic processes manifestations, landslides, mudflow and flood phenomena in the territory of Central Asia. Here were the reports on technogenic hazards connected with operation of water storage reservoirs and mining facilities within the seismic territories.
Section 3. "Interdisciplinary reports" included the reports on mechanics and dynamics of various phenomena and processes, as well as reports on the modern mathematical and technological methods applied in various research areas.
For all guests and conference participants there was organized the scientific and get-acquainted tour within the territory of Proving Ground of the Research Station RAS.
All participants who presented their reports orally were awarded by certificates and disks with the electronic version of the Materials of VIII International Conference for Young Scientists and Students "Modern Equipment and Technologies in Scientific Researches".
Students, graduate students and young scientists - participants of the conference represented 15 institutions from Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Dagestan.
Orginising Committee thanks all participants and looking forward to see you on the next year Conference.
Last Updated on Friday, 08 April 2016 15:48
On February 29, 2016, in the conference hall of Research Station the Scientific Workshop was held. Aleksey A. Malovichko, Dr. of technical sciences, Corresponding Member of RAS (Department of Earth’s Sciences (Geophysics)), Director of Geophysical Service of RAS was the honorary guest of the event. During the workshop the Heads of RS RAS research laboratories briefly presented the most important results of research undergone. Dr. Aleksey Malovichko, in his turn, noted that the further scientific and research collaboration between Geophysical Service of RAS and Research Station RAS is very prospective and is of great interest for both sides.
On February 2, 2016, the Memorandum of Understanding was executed among the Institute of Geophysics, China Earthquake Administration; the Research Station of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Bishkek (RS RAS) and the International Research Center – Geodynamic Proving Ground (IRC – GPG) as a result of working visit of the RS RAS Director Anatoly Rybin to Beijing, China.
This MoU assumes that above mentioned organizations will maintain continuous and collaborative contact with each other, exchange research staffs from the other organization for promoting joint research, educational and other related activities; promotion joint research projects in earthquakes forecast and risk mitigation field, such as seismology, geomagnetism and other geophysical field; exchange of seismological data and so on.
Last Updated on Friday, 26 February 2016 14:25
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