We welcome you to the official site of the Research Station of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Bishkek city.
Federal State Budget Institution of Science Research Station of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Bishkek city is the research organization subordinated to the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russia Federation.
The Research Station of RAS engages 57 scientific workers, including 26 researchers, 2 Doctors of Sciences and 8 Candidates of Sciences among them. The overall staff amounts 133 employees.
720049, Kyrgyzstan.
Bishkek-49, Research Station RAS.
Phone: +996 (312) 613-140
Fax: +996 (312) 611-459
Doctor of Science
in Physics and Mathematics
e-mail: rybin@gdirc.ru
In 2017, the staff of GPS laboratory has fulfilled the planned scope of field geodetic observations except for some cases when weather conditions or other objective conditions made it impossible to conduct measurements.
From May to August 2017, we conducted 2 campaigns to measure regional sites at the territory of Kyrgyzstan (fig.1). The regional GPS campaigns involved four field teams including the operator and the driver of ZIL-131 truck. During one month, each team can measure up to 14-15 sites (36 hours for one site). The trucks have travelled 1466-2836 km, ~ 1860 on average.
Last Updated on Tuesday, 20 March 2018 08:40
Information about fundamental research in 2017 according to the Program of Fundamental Research of State Academies of Science
for 2013 – 2020
Fundamental Research Number and Name |
Received Results (in connection to results expected by the Program) (for more information in Russian please see http://www.gdirc.ru/nauchnaja-dejatelnost/-2017-) |
128. Physical fields, Earth’s internal structure and deep geodynamic processes |
Subject: «Study of deep structure of Tien Shan and adjacent territories using a complex of geophysical methods to find the relationship between substance-energy transfer in the Earth’s crust and upper mantle and space-time distribution of seismicity (0155-2014-0001) |
Subject: «Study of modern movements of the Central Asia Earth’s crust using space geodesy» (0155-2014-0002) |
Subject: «Postcollision tectonic ensembles of shear flow of intracontinental orogens: structure, deep structure, geodynamics (using the example of Pamir-Tien Shan segment of Eurasia intracontinental orogen) » (0155-2015-0002) |
136. Disastrous endogenous and exogenous processes including extreme changes of space weather: problems of forecast and reducing of negative consequences |
Subject: «Study of geodynamic, seismic and geophysical processes as a basis of earthquake forecast (including modeling of inelastic processes in seismogenerating zones» (0155-2014-0003) |
Subject: «Development of hardware and software means and basis of methods of electromagnetic monitoring of geodynamic processes in seismic zones and assessment of their dangers» (0155-2014-0004) |
138. Scientific basis for development of methods, technologies and means of studying Earth’s surface and interior, atmosphere including ionosphere and magnetosphere of the Earth, hydrosphere and cryosphere; numerical simulation and geoinformation science (infrastructure of spacial data and GIS-technology) |
Subject: «Development of distributed system of applications for storage and analysis of data of complex geodynamic monitoring of Tien Shan region» (0155-2015-0001) |
Last Updated on Monday, 03 December 2018 15:26
Major research themes of IRC-GPG in 2017 included:
The important role in IRC-GPG scientific program themes is played by regular international symposiums and annual conferences of young scientists.
The VII International Symposium “Problems of Geodynamics and Geoecology of Intracontinental Orogens” dedicated to the 80-th anniversary of Yury A.Trapeznikov, the founder and the first director of Research Station RAS in Bishkek, took place on June 19-24, 2017. This Symposium became a representative international scientific event held by Research Station RAS in Bishkek (RS RAS) and International Research Center – Geodynamic Proving Ground in Bishkek (IRC-GPG). It was attended by 154 scientists and experts from 7 countries (Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, India, France and Japan). 83 oral and 39 poster papers were presented on plenary and section sessions. The symposium was attended by 1 academician and 2 corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2 academicians and 2 corresponding members of the Kyrgyz Academy of Sciences, 32 doctors of sciences, 34 candidates of sciences and 31 young scientists, postgraduates, researchers and experts. The following research institutes of Kyrgyz Republic took part in the Symposium:
Some photos of the Symposium:
Presentations of Symposium participants:
IRC-GPG continues publishing books of conference papers, monographs, and papers in the leading journals of Russia and other countries.
The Book of Abstracts of the VII International Symposium “Problems of Geodynamics and Geoecology of Intracontinental Orogens” was published: Problems of Geodynamics and Geoecology of Intracontinental Orogens: Book of Abstracts of the VII International Symposium, Bishkek, June 19-24, 2017: RS RAS, 2017. – 453 p., ISBN 978-9967-12-656-5. The Book presents annotations and extended abstracts of the VII International Symposium “Problems of Geodynamics and Geoecology of Intracontinental Orogens”. Scientists from Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tadjikistan, India, China, Japan, Greece and France presented papers covering the main research areas of recent geodynamics and geoecology, geophysical and seismic monitoring, assessment of exogenous processes hazards in seismic regions. Abstracts are published in author’s edition.
The materials of the XI International Conference of Young Scientists and Students “Modern Technique and Technologies in Scientific Research”, March 2017, were published in the book: Modern Technique and Technologies in Scientific Research: Book of Materials of the XI International Conference of Young Scientists and Students. – Bishkek: RS RAS, 2017. – 426 p. ISBN 978-9967-12-643-5. The XI International Conference of Young Scientists and Students “Modern Technique and Technologies in Scientific Research” was held by the Research Station RAS and International Research Center – Geodynamic Proving Ground in Bishkek. The Book presents the works of young scientists and students from Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Russia, Ukraine and other countries covering research areas in geoenvironment monitoring, physics and mechanics of rocks, assessment of seismic and geological hazards, mathematical modeling of different processes and other research areas. The Book is useful for students, postgraduates and specialists in Earth’s sciences, mechanics and mathematics.
The Book of Materials of the VII International Symposium “Problems of Geodynamics and Geoecology of Intracontinental Orogens” is getting ready for publishing.
In 2017, the following tripartite international agreements were signed:
In 2017, the Plenipotentiary of the Government of Kyrgyz Republic in IRC-GPG was assigned. According to the Letter № 01-10/6003 17.10.2017, the Plenipotentiary of the Government of Kyrgyz Republic in IRC-GPG (according to the Order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic from 18.02.2015г. №60-р (edited on 29.02.2012 г. 62-р) is Abdimannap A. Muratov, the Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic and the director of Science Department.
At present, due to removal of Alexander A. Klimov from the position of Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, a new Plenipotentiary of the Government of the Russian Federation in IRC-GPG has not been assigned yet.
Last Updated on Friday, 26 January 2018 11:38
1. Competition to fill the vacancy of staff scientist of the Laboratory of Integrated Studies of Dynamic Processes in Geophysical Fields (LIS)
Receipt of Applications: 13.01.2018 – 20.02.2018
Competition date: 26.02.2018
Research Area: Earth sciences and related environmental studies
Activity: Research of dynamic processes in different geophysical fields, their relation to particular structures and deformation processes influencing seismic mode at the territory of Bishkek test site and its surroundings.
For more information please see the Russian version at: http://www.gdirc.ru/2017-10-06-04-15-34/2017-10-10-08-12-38?start=3
2. Competition to fill the vacancy of staff scientist of the Laboratory of Advanced Hardware Development (LAHD)
Receipt of Applications: 28.12.2017 - 17.01.2018
Competition date: 29.01.2018
Research Area: Earth sciences and related environmental studies
Activity: Research and development of specialized measuring equipment designed for geophysical studies of the Earth’s crust carried out by the Research Station RAS.
For more information please see the Russian version at: http://www.gdirc.ru/2017-10-06-04-15-34/2017-10-10-08-12-38?start=1
3. Competition to fill the vacancy of junior staff scientist of the Laboratory of Studying Modern Movements of the Earth’s Crust by Space Geodesy (LGPS)
Receipt of Applications: 01.12.2017 - 18.01.2018
Competition date: 01.02.2018г.
Research Area: Earth sciences
For more information please see the Russian version at: http://www.gdirc.ru/2017-10-06-04-15-34/-06102017?start=4
Last Updated on Monday, 05 February 2018 11:19
Last Updated on Friday, 22 December 2017 15:17
October-November 2017
In the course of magnetotelluric observations conducted at “Kentor” profiles since 2012, the GMT group conducted MT soundings (MTS) at 33 sites of “Centralnyi” (С1 - С11) and “Vostochnyi” (Е1 - Е22) profiles from October 17 – November 3, 2017.
The MTS test record to monitor the noise level was conducted at C8 site. Works were preceded by calibration of recorders and sensors. For estimation of noise level and parameter settings, test recording was conducted at all observation sites. Magnetic field components were measured using МТС-50 induction sensors. Electric components of MT-field were measured by measuring equipment with 50-meter electric dipoles. The dipoles were earthed using nonpolarizable electrodes by the “electrode to electrode” principle with previous observations at all sounding sites. Orientations of measuring equipment completely reproduced the previous deployments. Duration of MT-field registration at each observation site was 15-16 hours. Works were complicated by adverse weather conditions.
General chart of “Kentor” work site.
“Vostochnei” profile is highlighted in red, “Centralnyi” is highlighted in yellow.
Last Updated on Friday, 22 December 2017 09:23
On 08 December 2017 the regular meeting of the RS RAS Academic Board took place.
The issues of agenda were as following:
1. The most important results of 2017 in the framework of State task execution.
2. Approval of the Plan of Research Work for 2018-2020
As a result of the voting on the first question was approved by two of the most important results obtained in the course of research themes elaboration: "Study of modern movements of the Earth's crust in Central Asia, using the tools of space geodesy" (No. 0155-2014-0002) and "Development of hardware and software and basics of the technology of electromagnetic monitoring of geodynamic processes in seismically active zones and the assessment of their risks" (No. 0155-2014-0004).
On the second issue, the discussion of RS RAS Plan of research work for 2018-2020 took place. For each of the four themes included in State Task, the content of works planned for execution in 2018-2020, as well as anticipated results for the period were determined.
Most important results of RS RAS_2017(docx)
Last Updated on Tuesday, 19 December 2017 09:48
KNET seismic network is operating on a full scale.
Two high-mountain KNET network stations have been restored on November 17, 2017. The helicopter MИ8-MTВ delivered employees and equipment to stations. Staff of RS RAS laboratories and technical divisions: GNTI, LAHD, LDMS, GHM - Alexander Matiх, Ruslan Dudinskih, Oleg Lashin, Maksim Lisimov, Oleg Nelin, Yuri Yurkov were involved in works on stations repair.
New steel pole with a solar panel and antenna was installed; battery, solar controller, solar panel and data recorder were replaced at Kyzart station. Executed works at 3520m altitude had been complicated by sub-zero temperature and strong wind.
All interconnections were checked at Uchtor station, as well as battery and solar controller. STS-2 seismic sensor was adjusted. Work at 3850м altitude had been complicated by negative temperature and deep snow. All staff members showed high professionalism in course of repair works. Additionally, high cost of helicopter flight hour required fast and quality execution of repair works.
Unfortunately, high-mountain Kyzart station has been subjected to vandalism by residents of nearby villages not for first time. The station is located on the mountain range between Kochkor and Suusamyr valleys. Stockyards are situated near station location in summer. Flocks of sheep reach the station location some days. There are also horse pathways. There can be strong winds across the range in north-east direction due to temperature difference between two valleys.
Presumably, the locals took steel ropes for household needs. Steel pole would be blown down by wind, fell to ground, what led to solar panel and antenna breakage, and, as a result, seismic data transfer interruption in this case. Station repair costs are very significant.
In order to ensure smooth operation of station it was decided to ask District or Republican Ministry of Internal Affairs interpret laws to residents of nearby villages before 2018 summer season to prevent stations damage.
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Last Updated on Thursday, 30 November 2017 10:16
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