

720049, Kyrgyzstan.

Bishkek-49, Research Station RAS.

Phone: +996 (312) 613-140

Fax: +996 (312) 611-459


Рыбин Анатолий Кузьмич

Anatoly Kuzmich Rybin

Doctor of Science

in Physics and Mathematics

e-mail: rybin@gdirc.ru

Laboratory of Geophysics

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We’d like to draw your attention to the web page of the LABORATORY OF GEOPHYSICS on the website of the Research Station of RAS, where all relevant information on RS RAS activity within the framework of Laboratory functioning will be published.

Recall that on September 30, 2020, KNU Rector of the Kyrgyz National University Kanat Sadykov and RS RAS Director Dr. Anatoly Rybin signed an Agreement on Laboratory of Geofisics opening on the basis of the Department of Electronics and Theoretical Physics of the Faculty of Physics and Electronics of KNU. (additional Agreement of 30. 09. 2020 to the Agreement on scientific and technical cooperation between RS RAS and KNU of 23. 03.2018).

Olga Zabianyakova
Academic Secretary of RS RAS

Last Updated on Thursday, 24 December 2020 14:25


International Jubilee Conference, dedicated to 40th Anniversary from the foundation of Research Station RAS in Bishkek city

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Dear colleagues!

The Research Station of RAS in Bishkek city (RS RAS) pleased to announce the publication the Book of Reports of International Jubilee Scientific Conference, which was held on the base of RS RAS in 2018:

Воздействие внешних полей на сейсмический режим и мониторинг их проявлений: Материалы докл. Междунар. Юбилейной науч. конф., г. Бишкек, 3 – 7 июля 2018 г. - Бишкек: НС РАН, 2020. – 184 с.

Обложка сборника

The Book of Reports comprises the materials of reports presented during the International Jubilee Scientific Conference INFLUENCE OF EXTERNAL FIELDS ON SEISMIC REGIME AND MONITORING OF THEIR MANIFESTATIONS, which had place 3 – 7 of July, 2018, on the basis of RS RAS and IRC–GPG. The reports presented in this Book captured the main directions of research on influence of external fields on seismic regime and monitoring of their manifestations, as well as reports on complex geological and geophysical investigations. The reports are represented in author's edition.

Best regards,
Olga Zabinyakova
Academic Secretary of RS RAS

Last Updated on Friday, 11 December 2020 14:23


The election of Director of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Research Station of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Bishkek city (RS RAS)

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On October 28, 2020, the General Meeting of Employees of RS RAS was held. The main issue on the agenda was the election of Director of RS RAS.

The election procedure was carried out in accordance with the RS RAS Charter and the Regulation on the procedure for the Director election of RS RAS

Earlier, by Order of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russia No. 386-p of October 19, 2020, two candidates were approved for the post of director of RS RAS:

1) Dr. Pavel ALEXANDROV;

2) Dr. Anatoly RYBIN.

Olga Zabinyakova, Scientific Secretary of RS RAS, was elected as a Chairman of the General Meeting of Employees. Also, by RS RAS order, the Election Commission was appointed, which was headed by S.S., Acting Head of the Laboratory for Integrated Research of Geodynamic Processes in Geophysical Fields, candidate of Physics and Mathematics Sanzhar Imashev.

Безымянный-1 Монтажная область 1

The total number of RS RAS staff members included in the voting list was 137 people. The number of registered election participants was 109 people, including 2 employees of the Representative Office of the RS RAS in the Russian Federation who voted by e-mail (quorum was observed).

Both candidates presented their election program, including the development program of RS RAS for 2020-2025 years. After that, a debate took place during which RS RAS employees had the opportunity to ask questions to candidates and speak out in support of one of them.

A secret ballot procedure was held, after which members of the Election Commission voiced the election results: 29 votes for candidate Pavel ALEXANDROV, 79 votes for candidate Anatoly RYBIN. Thus, the vast majority of votes was casted for Anatoly RYBIN.

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Congratulations to Dr. Anatoly Rybin on his victory in the elections for the post of Director of the Research Station of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Bishkek city!

Management and staff of the Kyrgyz National University named after Zh. Balasagyn congratulate Dr. Anatoly Rybin with contested victory for the post of RS RAS Director!

Congratulating letter you can see here

Last Updated on Wednesday, 04 November 2020 14:51



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From 23 September to 07 October 2020, in continuation of monitoring observations carried out since 2012 on the territory of the Bishkek geodynamic test site, along the "East" and "Centr" profiles of the Kentor using the Phoenix MTU-5 measuring complexes, by the MTS group consisting of three teams, MT-soundings were performed at 30 points of the Centr (C1-C4, C6-C11) and «East» (E1-E11, E13-E21) profiles.

The beginning of the work was preceded by the calibration of the recorders and sensors of the MT stations. At all observation points, a control record of at least 40 minutes was preceded to assess the level of interference and adjust the parameters of recording the working record. The electric components of the MT-field were measured using measuring devices with electric dipoles 50 m long. Magnetic field components were measured with using of MTC-50 induction sensors. The dipoles were earthed by nonpolarizable electrodes by the “electrode to electrode” principle with previous observations at all sounding sites. The orientations of the measurement setups completely repeated the previous deployments. The duration of the MT-field registration at each observation point was 15-16 hours.

In the period from 23 September to 02 October 2020, the brigade № 3 of the MTS group carried out work on magnetotelluric sounding (MTS) on the "Boom" profile, located in the area of ​​the Zholbulak village, Kemin district. The number of observation points was 9 (FT1 - FT9). The work was carried out with a Phoenix MTU-5 station in the regular registration mode. The beginning of the work was preceded by the calibration of the recorder and sensors of the MT station. Duration of registration of the MT-field at each registration point is more than 14 hours. Upon completion of work on this profile, the team from 02 October to 07 October 2020, together with two teams of the group, continued to perform work on the "East" profile of the Kentor.

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Last Updated on Tuesday, 03 November 2020 10:45


LAHD news

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On August 15, 2024, a series of experiments were conducted in the Chunkurchak gorge to test the technology of electromagnetic monitoring of the earth's crust stress-strain state using experimental electrical exploration measuring complex with pseudonoise signals developed at the Laboratory of Advanced Hardware Development (LAHD).

The main objective of the experiments is to test the sounding frame with a long side equal to 100 m introduced into the equipment. Previously, experiments were conducted with a frame with a long side equal to 50 m. Experiments were conducted with both a 50x50 frame and a 100x100 meter frame. The data obtained will allow a comparative assessment of the effectiveness (increase in depth) of probing with an increase in the area of ​ sounding frame.


The tests focused on the innovation in the equipment — enlarged 100*100 m probing frame, which allows expanding the range of controlled depths of the earth's crust. A series of tests were conducted in modes with a pseudonoise sequence of probing pulses and a number of probings with periodic sequences. A comparison of probing frames was conducted — 50 meter and 100 meter. The orientation of these frames to the cardinal points was preserved and repeated the previously conducted measurements at separate point.




Geodynamic processes occurring in active regions of the planet are manifested in various geophysical fields. The task of monitoring the processes of cracking is urgent, and the successful separation of the magnetotelluric field into endogenous and exogenous components allows us to detect the moment of activation of cracking. The solution of the problem of locating the activated volume is possible with the help of a three-component gradient installation for recording the seismoacoustic field near the day surface.


Layout of three-component geophones.

The XY plane corresponds to the day surface.

▼ - three-component geophones

A multichannel (21 channels) system has been developed to record seismic-acoustic signals from a three-component gradient setup, which provides continuous synchronous recording of seismic signals with a duration of up to three days.


Structural and functional diagram of the gradient seismic recording installation.

БСД - seismic sensor unit; СД - Seismic sensor; БПУС - block of preliminary amplification of signals; ПУ - preamplifier; ФНЧ - low-frequency filter; БСС - signal connection block; АЦП - analog-to-digital converter module; БА - battery pack; ПК - external personal computer


External view of the three-geophone


External view of the signal registration unit.

1-ADC block, 2-signal connection block.

A portable PC is used as a recorder and information storage device. The connection between the PC and the ADC unit is made with a UTP-5 network cable (length 50 m). Data transmission is carried out via the Ethernet protocol. The unit is powered by 3 batteries. The maximum current consumption on each of the supplying batteries is 0.5 A.

In August 2021, together with the field team of the LDMS (Laboratory of Deep Magnetotelluric Studies), field tests of the developed seismic recording unit were carried out. To check the operation of the installation and record seismoacoustic signals, point Ukok-2 was chosen, located near the Ukok gorge of the Naryn region. The sensors were buried in the ground and additionally rammed for better mechanical contact.


Preparing equipment for installation.


Burying the sensors.

For registration and preprocessing of signals obtained with the help of a gradient seismic recording installation, a laptop and special software, also developed at the LAHD, were used.


Viewing and preliminary processing of experimental data in the field is carried out by the ExpDataProc_x64.exe program.

During the period from August 26 to September 7, 2021, when the installation was in operation, a large amount of data was obtained, which will be used for further research.


In accordance with the research plan (topic code FMNN-2019-0004, state registration number AAAA-A19-119020190065-6), LAHD continued work on the creation of a modern hardware and software measuring complex for conducting electromagnetic sounding of the earth's crust using the TEM method using pseudonoise sounding signals.

In September this year, LAHD employees carried out a series of field experiments with a manufactured experimental sample of the measuring complex. The main tasks solved in the process of experimental work are further development of the technology for conducting field measurements, improvement and debugging of algorithms and software for data processing. The goal is to obtain high-quality curves of the field formation in a wide dynamic (≥ 150 dB) and frequency (0.2 ÷ 40,000 Hz) ranges of recorded signals. Field experiments were carried out at the near test point "Polygon, MGD".

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Last Updated on Tuesday, 10 September 2024 14:21



Practice of AUCA students at RS RAS

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On September 10, 2020, the fourth year students of the Department of Applied Mathematics and Informatics of the American University of Central Asia were sent to the Scientific Station of the Russian Academy of Sciences for practical training. Due to turbulent epidemiological situation, students, unfortunately, could not visit Research Station RAS themselves and get acquainted with the activities of the organization on the spot. Therefore, the first meeting and acquaintance with RS RAS staff happened online.

The Director of RS RAS, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, welcomed students. Anatoly Rybin briefly acquainted students with research being carried out at RS RAS.


After that, the students were assigned to the laboratories of the Scientific Station, where they will practice for the next two months (Laboratory of Deep Magnetotelluric Research - Head of Practice Olga Zabinyakova; Laboratory for Integrated Studies of Geodynamic Processes in Geophysical Fields - Head of Practice Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Sanzhar Imashev; Laboratory for Study of Modern Movements of the Earth's Crust by Methods of Space Geodesy - Head of Practice is Ph.D. Artur Mansurov)


Have a good practice! 

Last Updated on Monday, 28 September 2020 10:30


News of GNTI

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On May 16-18, 2024, the GNTI employees upgraded the equipment of KAZA permanent GPS station, located near the Kazarman village. The LTE router was installed, which allows receiving data on a daily basis, as well as promptly monitoring the station operation. Earlier, data was delivered 8 times a year through a personal visit to the station, which led to high operating costs.

The KAZA station was launched in July 1997 in a joint project with NASA and is distinguished by high quality and stability of data.


RS RAS and IS NAS KR scientific collaboration 


June 11, 2021

    The cooperation between the RS RAS and the Institute of Seismology of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic (IS NAS KR) continues in the field of seismological research.

    The employees of the Institute of Seismology carried out field seismological research in the Issyk-Kul region in accordance with two agreements from January 8th to May 21t, 2021. The Group of New Technologies Introduction has prepared and delivered three sets of RT130-01 seismic stations with STS-2 seismic sensors. The software and methodological documents for conducting research were also handed over. RT130-01 stations and STS-2 seismic sensors were purchased with financial assistance of CRDF (U.S. Civilian Research and Development Foundation) - American Civilian Research and Development Foundation.

    Field works involves the installation of RT130-01 type seismic stations, complete with wide-range STS-2 seismic sensors in the studied area and continuous recording for a certain time of microseisms and vibrations from remote earthquakes and industrial explosions. The duration of observations depends on the level of seismic activity at the territory and is set in such a way as to register at least 10 seismic events with good recording quality. One recording point was taken as a reference. The rest of the items are mobile.

    Problems arose during the data processing. The level of seismic interference is significantly higher than the level of microseisms during the station installation and the terminal usage, with the help of which the equipment is controlled and monitored. Microseisms are indistinguishable in comparison with these background disturbances. It is necessary to remove noisy beginning and the end in the data record and areas with the operator presence near the sensor for high-quality data processing.

    The staffs of GNTI RS RAS also provide IS NAS KR with methodological assistance, operator training and consultations during field work, provision of seismic data processing programs.

    The maintenance of the network of GPS stations continues. You can see below the workplace at the Osh’s station in the picture:


    After 7 years of cooperation, our curator Sarah Doelger moved to another UNAVCO division. Jacob Sclar will temporarily perform her duties.


KNET и GPS geophysical nets operation

04th September 2020г.

  The scheduled works at KNET and GPS nets objects were made by the Group of New Technologies Introduction (GNTI) after the COVID quarantine cancellation.

  The top part of the KNET East Repeater mast was bended by strong wind. Fortunately the antennas were not damaged. 


  Two masts for antennas directed to the Chumysh Repeater, ULHL and KZA stations were installed to fix the problem. The solar panels were left on the old thick mast. The Institute for Seismology of the National Academy of science of Kyrgyzstan employee Tatjana Nikitenko assists to monitor the stations operation.


  The leading engineer S.M. Konovalov prepared new GPS server to swap the old one in communication chamber. Trips to update the TALA and SUMK GPS stations are scheduled in autumn time.

  The stations data download occurs in normal mode. Operators-colleagues perform the data transfer from 4 stations: KMTR (at Kumtor mining), KRTV (close to Kurchatov city in Kazakstan), SEL2 (close to Medeu skate ring), PODG (close to Podgornoe village 200 km away to East from Almaty). 4 stations data is downloading automatically through the phone and radio channels by GPS server. The GPS data quantity and quality are checked by special program and staff daily. 2 stations data (OSHK and KAZA) is download manually by NEI group staff. 

  Unfortunately it is impossible to reach the RS RAS objects in Kazakstan due to the quarantine. The important arrangements were performed by Chumysh Repeater guards

14th October 2020.

The reliability increasing of the data download process was the purpose of visit to TALA (Talas city) GPS station on 22-24th September. The second purpose was to decrease the expenses for data download through the intertoll trunk. Modernization arrangements were made by the Group of New Technologies Introduction (GNTI) leading engineer Sergey Konovalov.

The intertoll trunk communication channel troubles appeared periodically before of the old phone radio extender. The line of sight between RS RAS and 21t Phone Station disturbs some times.

The GSM 900/1800МГц cellular modem TELEOFIS RX100-R2В was bought in Moscow. The modem firmware was update after interaction with supplier. Many program changes were made in the GPS server located in the communication room. The data transfer testing was made at RS RAS. O! cellular provider is used. The modem and external antenna were installed at GPS station. The data download process through cellular network starts by GPS server at first. The cellular data transfer is cheaper as intertoll trunk transfer. The intertoll trunk transfer start at second time if all the data was not download. The data residual downloads in this case.


The expenses will be decrease in terms of numbers about 9-11 times after some week’s usage experience. Expected month’s costs are 300 soms. 3500 soms are the costs for the month’s intertoll trunk usage.

6 Sonnenschein А600 batteries (500Ah, 2V, 1998 year production, 22 years usage) were change by one gel 100Ah battery manufactured in Saint Petersburg. 22 years usage is a perfect parameter for the Sonnenschein gel batteries.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 04 September 2024 11:11



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In the period from July 16 to August 6, the MTS group consisting of 2 teams carried out work on the Ukok-2 profile, which is located south of the Kochkorka in the Kochkor district of the Naryn region. The works was carried out on magnetotelluric sounding (MTS) at 11 points. At 10 observation points, the duration of MT-field registration in the MTS mode was 36-43 hours, at the FT21 observation point in the DMTS mode, the registration was performed in the form of two registration sessions, the duration of each was about 240 hours.

The works was carried out using Phoenix MTU-5 measuring complexes in the standard recording mode. The start of the work was preceded by calibrations of the recorders and sensors of the MT stations. At all observation points, a control recording lasting at least 40 minutes was made to assess the level of interference and adjust the recording parameters of the working record.

The MT field electric components were measured using measuring installations with 50 m long electric dipoles. The magnetic field components were measured using MTS-50 induction sensors. At all sounding points, dipole grounding was performed using non-polarizing electrodes; dipole grounding was performed according to the “sensor to sensor” principle from previous years of observations. The orientations of the measuring installations at these points completely repeated the previous deployments.




From August 29 to September 4, 2023, Group of Magnetotelluric soundings (GMTS) carried out monitoring observations on the territory of the Bishkek Geodynamic Proving Ground. This observations have been carried out since 2012. The observations covered the “East”, “West” and “Center” profiles in the area of ​ Norus village. Using the Phoenix MTU-5 and MTU-5A measuring systems, the MTS group consisting of three teams carried out deep magnetotelluric sounding (DMS) work at three points, on the “East” profile at observation point E14, on the “West” profile at observation point W00 and on the “Center” profile at observation point C6, where the duration of registration of MT field in the GMT mode at each point was about 110 hours.

The start of work was preceded by calibration of recorders and sensors of MT stations. The testing of the measuring systems involved in these works for the identity of MT-field registration was carried out at point C6. To assess the level of interference and parameter settings for recording the work recording, a control recording lasting at least 40 minutes was preceded. The orientation of previous of the measuring installations completely repeated the previous deployments.

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Numerical fitting of MTS calibration curves by fractional calculus fitting

The article «Quality control of the initial magnetotelluric data: Analysis of calibration curves using a fitting function represented by the ratio of 4th-order polynomials» (Nigmatullin R.R.; Bataleva E.A.; Nepeina K.S.; Matiukov V.E.) was prepared in the Laboratory of Deep Magnetotelluric Investigations (LDMI) and published by Measurement journal of first quartile, indexed in Web of Science. The research has been conducted conducted under the state assignment of Research Station RAS and Project «Priority 2030».

A personalized URL link provides 50 days' free access to the article before June 20, 2023:


Nigmatullin R.R.; Bataleva E.A.; Nepeina K.S.; Matiukov V.E. Quality control of the initial magnetotelluric data: analysis of calibration curves using a fitting function represented by the ratio of 4th-order polynomials // Measurement, 2023, 216, 112914, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.measurement.2023.112914.


  • Universal fractional calculus fitting curve enables to fit 4 normalized calibration curves.
  • The standard deviation between the tested box and the pattern box in average is at least than 1%.
  • The calibration curves identity proves the high quality of field data in mountainous conditions.
  • The pair of “amplitudes” and “degrees” – 4 calibration curves in total, are observed with the fitting function as two polynomials ratio of fourth degree function F(x) containing 9 fitting parameters (C0-7, B0), simply calculated as numeric constants through linear least squares method (LLSM).
  • The relative error evaluating the fitting 9 parameters (C0-7, B0) is less than 0.25%.
  • Routine calibration process could be used as an etalon searching in the normalized form.
  • The fitting parameter D demonstrates “a quality” of calibration of the tested box compared with the reference one.




  In the period from August 24 to September 08, the MTS Group consisting of 4 brigades carried out work on two profiles in the Kochkor district of Naryn region, Ukok-2 and Chon-Tuz. On the profile "Ukok-2", which is located south of Kochkorka village, team No. 1 and team No. 2 carried out work on magnetotelluric sounding (MTS) at 11 points. At 10 observation points, the duration of the MT field registration in the MTS mode was 16-18 hours, at the FT21 observation point in the DMTS mode, the duration of observations was about 300 hours.

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  The work was carried out using Phoenix MTU-5 measuring complexes in the normal registration mode. The start of work was preceded by calibrations of recorders and sensors of MT stations. In all observation points, a control recording of at least 40 minutes was preceded to assess the level of interference and the settings of the parameters for recording the working record. The electrical components of MT field were measured using measuring devices with electric dipoles 50 m. long. The magnetic field components were measured using MTC-50 induction sensors. At all sounding points, the grounding of the dipoles was carried out using non-polarizing electrodes, the grounding of dipoles was carried out on the principle of “sensor to sensor” with previous years of observations. The orientations of measuring installations at these points completely repeated the previous deployments.

  Also, at this time, seismic fields were recorded at the FT21 observation point using an installed gradient seismic installation.

  Upon completion of main work on Ukok-2 profile, in the area of FT15 observation point (MTS), team No. 4, using the Skala 48 multielectrode station, carried out 24-hour monitoring in amount of 36 registrations, the duration of each 42-44 minutes by electrotomography and induced polarization methods, the type of installation was “Schlumberger”.

  On the profile "Chon-Tuz", which is located south of Tuz village, team No. 3 carried out work on magnetotelluric sounding in AMTS mode at 15 observation points, where the duration of registration averaged 1 hour. The work was carried out using the Phoenix MTU-5A measuring complex in normal registration mode. The beginning of work was preceded by calibrations of MT station recorders and sensors. In all observation points, a control record was preceded to assess the level of interference and the settings of parameters of working record. The electrical components of MT field were measured using measuring devices with electric dipoles 50 m. long. The magnetic field components were measured using MTC-30 induction sensors. At all sounding points, the grounding of dipoles was carried out using non-polarizing electrodes.

  The team No. 4 on "Chon-Tuz" profile carried out the work by electrotomography methods and induced polarization using the multielectrode station "Skala 48". Data registration was performed by two types of installation: "Schlumberger" and "Venner". The station was operated using two multi-electrode cables, the length of each connecting cable is 120 m, the installation of electrodes was carried out in increments of 5 meters, the total number of electrodes when deploying two connecting cables is 48 pieces. The length of work site is approximately 3600 m, registration was carried out at 29 base observation points.

  Upon completion of main work on the profile, in the area of FT18 point (MTS), work was carried out on 24-hour monitoring in the amount of 35 registrations, the duration of each was 42-44 minutes by electrotomography and induced polarization methods, the type of installation was “Schlumberger”.



An article entitled «VOLUMETRIC AND SPATIAL SEGMENTATION OF THE TIEN SHAN LITHOSPHERE ACCORDING TO GEOPHYSICAL DATA» by the research team of the authors of the Laboratory of Deep Magnetotelluric Research of the RS RAS (Rybin A.K., Bataleva E.A., Nepeina K.S., Matyukov V.E.) is published in the scientific journal «Geodynamics & Tectonophysics», indexed by the international Scopus database of the third quartile (Q3).

The geological and geophysical materials on the deep structure of the crust and upper mantle of the Central Tien Shan were collected and analyzed under Project 16-17-10059 supported by the Russian Science Foundation. For the comprehensive analysis of geological and geophysical information, the data on the Northern Tien Shan were prepared under the state assignment of the Research Station RAS in Bishkek for 2019–2021, which was funded by the RF Ministry of Science and Higher Education (project АААА-А19-119020190063-2).

The full text of the article can be found on the journal's website https://www.gt-crust.ru/jour/article/view/1238

Rybin A.K., Bataleva E.A., Nepeina K.S., Matyukov V.E. VOLUMETRIC AND SPATIAL SEGMENTATION OF THE TIEN SHAN LITHOSPHERE ACCORDING TO GEOPHYSICAL DATA. Geodynamics & Tectonophysics. 2021;12(3):508-543. (In Russ.) https://doi.org/10.5800/GT-2021-12-3-0537


This article consolidates the results of studying the deep structure of the lithosphere of the Central Tien Shan, which aimed to identify the main tectonic elements in its geophysical models. We have compared the structural and geological data with the information on the deep structure obtained by geophysical methods and from the positions of earthquake hypocenters in the study area. According to geological concepts, the Tien Shan orogenic belt is characterized by longitudinal and transverse segmentation. The boundaries of the Northern, Middle, Southern Western and Eastern segments of the Tien Shan are deep-seated fault structures. In deep faults and channels of heat and mass transfer, endogenous processes are localized. High-velocity, geoelectrical and thermal models consider such faults and channels as contrasting objects that can be referred to as indicators of these processes.

Our analysis of the locations of earthquake hypocenters from NNC, KNET, CAIIG, KRNET, SOME catalogues shows that seismic events are strongly confined to the fault zones and the boundaries of large blocks. A correlation between the anomalies of geophysical fields suggests the degree of inheritance of tectonic structures and the boundaries of the main tectonic segments of the Tien Shan. To compare the crustal and upper mantle heterogeneities reflected in different geophysical fields, we have analyzed seismic tomographic sections based on volumetric seismotomographic models geoelectric and velocity sections along profiles across the main tectonic elements of the study area. The sections are used to identify the zones with relatively low (i.e. reduced) seismic wave velocities and detect the deep-seated longitudinal segmentation of the folded belt. Objects showing anomalous seismic wave velocities are found in the seismotomographic sections at all the depths under consideration. The most contrasting differences in the velocities of P- and S-waves are typical of the depths of 0-5 km and 50-65 km, showing the most clearly observed Northern, Southern and Western segments of the Tien Shan. In general, the velocities of P- and S-waves at the Northern Tien Shan are higher than those at the Middle and Southern segments. We have analyzed the distribution of geoelectric heterogeneities identified from magnetotelluric sounding data in order to determine the boundaries of the main tectonic elements that are considered as the zones of increased electrical conductivity confined to the boundaries of the fault structures. The distribution of earthquake epicenters clearly reflects the segmentation of the Tien Shan into the Northern, Middle and Southern segments and shows the Western and Eastern Tien Shan relative to the Talas-Fergana fault. Ourstudies of the crust and the upper mantle of the Tien Shan have confirmed that the abovementioned tectonic segments have differences in their deep structures Based on a comprehensive analysis of the study results, we can qualitatively identify a relationship between the distribution of the velocity and geoelectric heterogeneities in the crust and upper mantle, seismicity and the stress-strain state of the crust.


According to the task plan of the Laboratory of Deep Magnetotelluric Studies (LDMS) from 5 to 25 of August 2020, of MTS Group in consist of three teams performed MT-soundings on 11 points of «Ukok-2» profile in the Kochkor valley of Kyrgyzstan.

At 10 points, the duration of MT-field registration at each observation point averaged 90 hours.

In point № 23, the duration of MT-field registration was about 20 days. The electrical components of the MT-field were measured with using broadband Phoenix MTU-5 complexes with electric dipoles 50 m long. The magnetic field components were measured with using of MTC-50 induction sensors. The dipoles were earthed by nonpolarizable electrodes by the “electrode to electrode” principle with previous observations at all sounding sites.



GMTS News From 23 September to 07 October 2020

Last Updated on Tuesday, 03 September 2024 08:56


Page 12 of 25


Geographic location

40 km. from Bishkek