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Рыбин Анатолий Кузьмич

Рыбин Анатолий Кузьмич


физико - математических


e-mail: rybin@gdirc.ru

24-й WorkShop по электромагнитной индукции, Хельсингер, Дания, 13 – 20 августа 2018г

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2018.09.16 1

Директор Научной станции, д.ф.-м.н. Анатолий Кузьмич Рыбин, участвует в международной конференции по электромагнитной индукции Земли (EMIW2018), которая проходит в городе Хельсингер, Дания.

Рыбин А.К. представляет постерный доклад:

A. Rybin, E. Bataleva, Yu. Morozov, M. Leonov, E. Przhiyalgovski3, V. Matukov and O. Zabinyakova Zones of concentrated deformation in the Central Tien Shan: geoelectric images and tectonic interpretation.

В докладе рассматриваются результаты, полученные в рамках выполнения проекта РНФ №16-17-10059.

Аннотация доклада:

In the paper results of the detailed magnetotelluric soundings executed for the last years in the territory of the Central Tien Shan and focused on the study of the concentrated deformation zones are presented. Parameters of detailed geoelectric sections of Kochkor, Naryn and Atbashi intermountain basins are discussed in the sense of their tectonic interpretation. New tectonic constrains, based on a complex interpretation of the upper crust structure of the investigated areas, including structural geology study of the Cenozoic sedimentary cover, the crustal geoelectric sections, the structural unconformities and occurrences of recent deformations in the basement rocks, are revealed.

The geoelectric model of the southern margin of the Kochkor basin reflects the complex system of folded and fault structures of this tectonic zone. The geometry and allocation of conducting zones in the geoelectric structure may indicate that, deformation of basement surface was mostly ductile and now is manifested in the tectonic structure by folds with oversteep basement/sediment stratigraphic and complex structure of basement block surfaces within the basin.

2018.09.16 2



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